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Thursday, September 29, 2011

4 Months


   September 9th Sophia Taylor turned 4 months old. Her motor skills are improving she now takes her pacifier out of her mouth and will place it back when she wants it, or she will throw it on floor. She loves to sit in her saucer, and also her bumbo with her tray to play with her toys. She has become a messy with her slobber! She is teething for sure and the drool is non stop, she goes through at least 2 bibs a day, and everything she grabs goes straight to her mouth, poor baby. She is now in size 2 diapers and wears 3-6 month clothing, although she can wear some 6 month items. Her 4 month appointment she weighted 14lbs 15oz and was 25" long  and got her second round of shots, and this time I went alone because Rusty had to work. I was very anxious to go by myself, but once it was all over with I felt better knowing that I could handle it on my own!! This time was worse than the first round at 2 months, it took longer for me to calm her down, last time all I had to do was feed her to calm her down, this time she did not eat immediately after. But after we left the office she slept and was mostly good for the rest of the day, although this time around she ran a slight fever for the rest of the evening, but was back to normal the next day.
    I was curious about starting her on cereal and other foods, but the pediatrician stated that they like to wait closer to 6 months before we start that, so I am still breastfeeding! I do enjoy it but I was excited to start other foods, we may start closer to the middle of the 5 month to start, I can't wait, it should be fun as well as challenging. She is a little observer, before during feedings all she would be concentrated on was eating, and I was able to play on my phone, read a magazine, ect, but now I can't even do that without distracting her, if she sees anything in her vision she will stop to look at it, and/or try to reach for it. Whenever she sees me or someone else eating she stares at us, this is what makes me think that she is ready for eating, but pediatrician stated that she is in an oral fixation stage right now and if she sees us place things in our mouths, she also want to. Now (end of 4th month) I am working on her sitting up, she can balance for a short while with some assistance but will eventually tilt off to one side or another. She has some strong little stomach muscles, when you place her on her back she will lift her head like she is trying to do a crunch because she wants to sit up so badly. And a little side note, in about her 3 1/2 month I noticed she would go days without having a bowel movement, so I freaked out and thought she was constipated, and was  a little upset because I thought breastfeeding would prevent that from happening, so then I started questioning my diet, until I talked to the doctors office and they informed me that breastfed baby's will at time have BMs once every 3-5 days. I thought that sounded incorrect but they assured me that its okay. Which made me happy because there are less messy diapers around here. ;)
The fam! Heidi is missed the shot.

  Crawling, well Rusty's family came into town for Labor Day weekend (PS love Labor Day, mainly because for me it marks the end of Summer and welcomes in the best season ever...FALL) and while they were here we placed some bets on Sophia crawling. Lots of money on stake here $2.00 each =) Poor Sophia is under lots of pressure, although I think that we were all a bit ambitious. My mom-in-law chose Oct 1st, which by the looks of it, isn't going to happen. Sorry. =( Next, Amy - Oct 6, Steve- Oct 12, Me- Oct 16, Rusty- Oct 20, Dad-in-law- Oct 25. And like I said all a bit ambitious! Lol  It was a good weekend we had a bbq with both families together.
Great grandparents, and aunts
I think this was a candid shot

    Also this month was the first entire night I was away from Sophia. My friend Shannon had her bachelorette party and we stayed on the Plaza, it was a good time and plus the Art Fair was going on. I was a little sad as the day came near. Once the day had come Rusty's dropped me off at my friend Whitney's house so we could all drive together, and once I said bye to Sophia the waterworks came!! I was so sad and at that point didn't want to go anymore. With help from Rusty I eventually gathered myself and obviously went to the party. That next afternoon when I saw her was the BEST ever!! I cant believe the control this little girl has over me, it's crazy, but I love it.
      As for me working...I have been applying at places I would actually want to work for long term, but it doesn't seem to be working out for me. Once I do find a job that is a possibility the pay does not make it worth working. I found some day cares that look trustworthy and those are close to a thousand dollars a month and once we  factor in gas, lunch time and paying for day care there is little left. So after some back and forth and lots of talk we have decided for the first year and a half I will go back to serving (GULP) I really was ready for making a career somewhere, I want to take steps forward for myself, but it is not feasible at this time. There are actually many cons to serving, I can stay home with Sophia during the day which I love, and we don't have to pay for daycare, its the best choice right now. Plus once she is older the daycare is less money. But we shall see how it goes.
Walking at park

1 comment:

  1. Yay I love updates! Cereal is so fun, it's my new favorite time with Jaris. And Jaris is an observer too...the tv will get his attention in an instant as well as a cell phone and computer screen! We need to get together soon, sometime after photography slows down for me, tell Rusty hello!
