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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Family of four in, ten, nine, eight...

    So we are only 10, 10 days away from the day our new baby girl will be here! I can't believe it, I really can't tell you how fast this pregnancy has gone, although when I think about back to summer when we found out we were pregnant it seemed so long ago, but for the most
part it went pretty darn fast. Now that we are to the end here I am getting to be a little nervous about how life is going to change for us, mainly for Sophia. I don't know if it is the hormones, or because of the fact I am so in love and obsessed with by sweet baby girl but I have been crying more recently just thinking about how my relationship with Sophia is going to be when the baby comes, and it makes me think about when I was pregnant with her and how we bought her home for the first time, and how fast life seems to pass by! I have made a lot of mommy and Sophia time since getting closer to the due date, I can't help but get emotional thinking about how when March 29th comes it is the end of the three of us, it's the end of Sophia having 100% of my/our attention and now it is shared, I just feel like this is so sad. And I hate saying it and feeling this way because I can see how some people can take it as though I am not happy for the new baby, or don't want the new baby, and that is not true at all, I can't wait for her to get here and will love her just as much as Sophia, so I don't want to sound that way, but I just feel bittersweet emotions with the family dynamic changing like it is. I am hoping Sophia will love the baby, and that when they get older they will be the best playmates and friends ever. 
"Who is this baby girl everyone is talking about?"
   Monday night I was starting to show some early signs of labor, (won't give TMI about what that entailed) and had consistent cramps and backaches, all night I just laid there thinking oh, my gosh, am I going into labor, or is this Braxton Hicks? oh my gosh, I don't have a bag packed yet... I don't have a newer nursing bra...oh my gosh all I have are my messy lay around the house comfy pants to wear at the hospital... you get the point, I am not ready!!  So I was up til 4am, instead of going to work called and went to doctors. With all that happened no immediate changes were made, no need to go and deliver or change the date, but I am exhausted, and Monday at work I wasn't able to concentrate or do a good job, I'm just not comfortable anymore and patience  are running low. So essentially I started my maternity leave today, I was to work up to the day before I delivered, which I would have really been proud of myself if I did, but I didn't. boo. So now I am here writing a blog instead. I feel lazy for not going to work but need to enjoy this time and actually get ready for delivery, and spend every moment with Sophia. =) 

 Sophia update: she is one silly kid, she is oh so smart (I'm not bias or anything ; ) ) So has lost some love for Elmo and gained it for Minnie Mouse, and loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and she does the cutest hot dog dance ever, she still loves to dance to music, and read books. She learns a lot from daycare, and I feel we try and teach her as much as we can here at home too, but I have to give daycare credit, she will be in the bath and all of a sudden she will start to count to 6, then she says 8-9-10, she doesn't like 7, or she says 8-9-10 over and over she can say A-B-C-D then trails off from there. She learns new words every day and is making smaller sentences as the time passes. She HAS to feed herself, I feel for the longest time I would feed her because I am a neat freak, and didn't want a mess, and it went faster if I did it, but for the past 4 months she feeds herself and does so very well, although she will make messes, she won't let me feed her anymore, which is a good thing because she is too old. She loves to give Heidi her food, she will take a spoon full of what ever and drop on the floor for Heidi to eat, although very nice and cute, so irritating because it makes a mess on the floor and not a good habit or way of acting! She will look right at you before she does it, I'll say don't you do it, and she will continue to look at me and tip her spoon right over! WHOA!! She is such a sassy one, that's when she has to go into time out, she has her bad moments still, but she can be oh so super sweet.  She's a fast little runner, she'll run all over the place, trip and get right up and start again. The funniest thing to see is when she places an empty diaper box over her head and walk around the house, she can't even see where she is going, I'll be doing my hair in the bathroom, hear her coming down the hall look over and there she is walking a fine line with a box over her head, lol what a little weirdo! Favorite part of coming home, once I am in the garage and step out of car, I hear her feet hitting the floor running around like crazy because she knows mommy is home. Once I go up the stairs there she is "Hi Mama" she says in the cutest high pitched voice over and over again, then gives the biggest hug around my neck. Then when she places her hands on my cheeks and gives me a kiss it's the best day ever even if the rest of the day sucked. 

Daddy making fried chicken. "Minny don't burn no chicken" - Minny, The Help
Brushing teeth with daddy

she wasn't feeling well
  Wow Sophia took up most of this post, but that is probably because we have pretty boring lives! Rusty and I are like an old couple anymore, we are giving hi fives to each other if we stay up past 9 on a weekend. Rusty makes fun of my Saturday mornings, I usually wake up at 6 or 630, eat cereal watch a little bit of the news, then start to clean the house if needed, get Sophia and myself ready and out of the house by 8 or 9 to do something, recently consists of Home Depot, or baby errand stuff, shopping, and lunch all before Sophia has to go down for her nap, we always run into the restaurants not being open yet for lunch because we are out and about too early. But we love our time at home doing nothing, it is the best ever, especially with those few snow days we had. Life of a parent. 

1 comment:

  1. When did she get so big?! Isn't it crazy how fast it goes, it's not fair! Hope you get some rest before little miss #2 gets here. And your not crazy, that's part of the reason I'm not prego yet either. I'm not ready to give that time up yet and I know a lot of moms who worry about how they can "share the love." But of course you just do! Keep us updated on the baby!!
