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Friday, June 7, 2013

Two Months

   Brooke is almost 10 weeks old, she was 22" long, 11.12 lbs and her head size was 15.5" Once again her head is in the 90th percentile. She had her first round of shots this appointment! I felt so bad, she was sleeping so sweet in my arms when the nurse came it, I hated to have to wake her up only to make her drink her first dose of nastiness, followed by three shots. She let out a big scream and I swear her tongue turned blue from the long scream, oh it doesn't get any easier seeing your second one cry because of shots! She calmed down pretty well after she ate.She is such a great baby still, I was lucky to have two babies who didn't cry too much and were just content for most of the time. She is still smiling a lot and her "talking" has increased a lot, she likes to talk mostly in the mornings, love our little chats, so does Sophia. She will wake up on to two times during the night for feedings, goes back to sleep pretty quick, although there are those times where she will stay up for about an hour in a half, but that's not very often. She loves to be clean, she is in her best moods after a feeding followed by a bath. I love holding her as she sleeps, I forgot how much I loved that.  I can't tell yet how Brooke will be I thought I could tell Sophia was going to be a little sassy girl, and now she is. Brooke I feel is more calm and

sweet, but I think that may be entirely inaccurate, I think I am comparing a sweet infant to my loud crazy and wild two year old, I forget Sophia was a sweet quiet baby at one time too!
  I went back to work this Tuesday, it was sad having to go back, I was emotional about not being able to spend the morning watching cartoons with the girls in bed, and getting to go to the park in the afternoon, and nervous about getting back to my job and catching up on ALL of the changes that happened  while I was away. But as the day went on I felt okay, I had much to do to keep my mind off of home and the girls. As the week went on, although I missed my girls, it was nice getting out and back to work. I do really like my job at Farmers, people are nice, I like my supervisor, its not a bad company to work for, but  I feel like I am in between a rock and a hard spot with wanting to be with my girls, and spend quality time with them, and wanting a career for myself. I think it is a hard decision to make.
  My wonderful mother is watching the girls during the summer instead of taking them to daycare, which let me tell you makes going back to work SO MUCH EASIER! I think that if I was getting them ready every morning and taking them to daycare, and had to worry about Brooke being at daycare so young, I could not go to work as easily as I am.  I have to do the same for Brooke as I did for Sophia, although it is a bit harder, I try to hold her as if she was an only child, I will let her sleep in our room until 3 months, like we did with Sophia, and also like Sophia I really do not want to put her in daycare until she is closer to a year. I like the daycare, but they are sick all the time, and as infants they don't get handled as much as if they were home with their mom or a relative. I think that constant stimulation, cuddling and interaction is very important for their emotional and social development and don't want Brooke to not have that as well. But my mom, who as I get older can see where I get my habits from, can not just stay at home and watch the girls, she has to do more. I love coming home the house smells clean, things are neater, floors are cleaned, little things here and there are re arranged, laundry is done, Sophia has been playing outside and has already had her bath, and I know Brooke is getting the attention she needs, it's great. I am so grateful for her!
  Excited to see Brooke get older so I can see her personality come out, although I don't want to rush it because next thing you know I'll blink and she will be two  =(

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