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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Netflix is bad

Just a short rant! Rusty gets on Netflix for Sophia to watch when we are out or she needs to be entertained  (not all the time) but he then started watching a lot of episodes and movies. I never cared to watch anything or put the app on my phone. I don't have time to get into new shows or watch movies, and even if I did have an hour or two, I'd rather do something else with my time, dishes, laundry, clean, run, workout, Facebook, Pintrest,... lots of options. But after hearing people at work starting to watch new shows I thought I would to enjoy some of the shows. I have my main two Greys and Scandal, that's it. But since they are on a break I have nothing to watch, so I did it, I put the Netflix app on my phone, picked a show and started!
    I chose Orange is the New Black, this was the beginning of an obsession! lol I mean really I spent hours watching the show if the girls napped, or when they went to bed I would go to the mac put on the headphones and be glued to the screen. I stayed up til 200am one morning to finish episodes, I had to get up at 6 with Brooke, needless to say I was tired all day. Thankfully I watched all 13 episodes, I swore I would never pick up another Netflix series again. I will say I did enjoy the show and can't wait for season 2. But I kick myself!! I started Breaking Bad!! Love the show and have had late nights watching. There are 5 seasons and I'm already at season 4 in about a months time. AWW I hate Netflix.


  1. I LOVE Orange is the New Black! It's so good! I'm slowly dying waiting for season two!
